.. Firefly documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Jun 21 11:32:55 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. firefly ======= firefly is a function as a service framework which can be used to deploy functions as a web service. In turn, the functions can be accessed over a REST based API. It works like RPC, but it also provides a way to customize the URLs to allow great RESTful API as well. Firefly was initially started to make deploying machine learning models easier, but it can used for other use cases equally well. Installation ------------ ``firefly`` can be installed by using ``pip`` as: :: $ pip install firefly-python You can check the installation by using: :: $ firefly -h Basic Usage ----------- Create a simple python function: :: # funcs.py def square(n): return n**2 And then this function can run through ``firefly`` by the following: :: $ firefly funcs.square ... This function is now accessible at ```` . An inbuilt ``Client`` is also provided to communicate with the ``firefly`` server. Example usage of the client: :: >>> import firefly >>> client = firefly.Client("") >>> client.square(n=4) 16 Besides that, you can also use ``curl`` or any software through which you can do a POST request to the endpoint. :: $ curl -d '{"n": 4}' 16 ``firefly`` supports for any number of functions. You can pass multiple functions as: :: $ firefly funcs.square funcs.cube The functions ``square`` and ``cube`` can be accessed at ```` and ```` respectively. Authentication -------------- ``firefly`` also supports token-based authentication. You will need to pass a token through the CLI or the config file. :: $ # CLI Usage $ firefly --token abcd1234 funcs.square The token now needs to be passed with each request. :: >>> import firefly >>> client = firefly.Client("", auth_token="abcd1234") >>> client.square(n=4) 16 If you are using anything other than inbuilt-client, the ``Authorization`` HTTP header needs to be set in the POST request. :: $ curl -d '{"n": 4}' -H "Authorization: Token abcd1234" 16 Using a config file ------------------- ``firefly`` can also take a configuration file with the following schema: :: # config.yml version: 1.0 token: "abcd1234" functions: square: path: "/square" function: "funcs.square" cube: path: "/cube" function: "funcs.cube" ... You can specify the configuration file as: :: $ firefly -c config.yml ... Deploying a ML model -------------------- Machine Learning models can also be deployed by using ``firefly``. You need to wrap the prediction logic as a function. For example, if you have a directory as follows: :: $ ls model.py classifier.pkl where ``classifier.pkl`` is a ``joblib`` dump of a SVM Classifier model. :: # model.py from sklearn.externals import joblib clf = joblib.load('classifier.pkl') def predict(a): predicted = clf.predict(a) # predicted is 1x1 numpy array return int(predicted[0]) Invoke ``firefly`` as: :: $ firefly model.predict ... Now, you can access this by: :: >>> import firefly >>> client = firefly.Client("") >>> client.predict(a=[5, 8]) 1 You can use any model provided the function returns a JSON friendly data type. Firefly with gunicorn --------------------- ``firefly`` applications can also be deployed using `gunicorn `_ . The arguments that are passed to ``firefly`` via CLI can be set as environment variables. :: $ gunicorn --preload firefly.main:app -e FIREFLY_FUNCTIONS="funcs.square" -e FIREFLY_TOKEN="abcd1234" [2017-07-19 14:47:57 +0530] [29601] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.7.1 [2017-07-19 14:47:57 +0530] [29601] [INFO] Listening at: (29601) [2017-07-19 14:47:57 +0530] [29601] [INFO] Using worker: sync [2017-07-19 14:47:57 +0530] [29604] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 29604 If you want to deploy multiple functions, pass them as a comma-seperated list. :: $ gunicorn --preload firefly.main.app -e FIREFLY_FUNCTIONS="funcs.square,funcs.cube" -e FIREFLY_TOKEN="abcd1234" Deployment on Heroku -------------------- ``firefly`` functions are deploying on any cloud platform. This section shows how you can deploy ML models to `Heroku `_ . There are two important files apart from your model code that you will need to have in your application root directory - ``Procfile`` and ``requirements.txt``. ``Procfile`` lets Heroku know what sort of process you want to run and what command it should run. ``requirements.txt`` specifies dependencies of your code. :: # requirements.txt firefly-python sklearn numpy scipy This ``Procfile`` tells Heroku to run ``firefly`` serving the ``predict`` function inside the ``model`` script. :: # Procfile web: gunicorn --preload firefly.main:app -e FIREFLY_FUNCTIONS="model.predict" :: $ ls model.py classifier.pkl requirements.txt Procfile Now that everything is setup on your machine, we can deploy the application to Heroku. :: $ git add . $ git commit -m "Added a Procfile." $ heroku login Enter your Heroku credentials. ... $ heroku create Creating intense-falls-9163... done, stack is cedar http://intense-falls-9163.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:intense-falls-9163.git Git remote heroku added $ git push heroku master ... -----> Python app detected ... -----> Launching... done, v7 https://intense-falls-9163.herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku For more information about deploying python applications to Heroku, go `here `_ .